Op deze pagina vind je de verhalen rondom de races, speciale evenementen en aankondigingen van K-J’s lifestyle en sport.
1st World Cup victory in Mt Hutt.
Paralympic season took of early this season. While everyone back home is still in the summer moods, we headed for training and races to New Zealand.
1 Super-Combi (Super-G race and slalom)and 1 Super-G were sceduled in Mt Hutt.
In the Super-Combi i surprised myself becoming 2nd. Many sitskiers had probles on the hard and icy slope from MT Hutt, hadden veel Next Day I went in the race with more confedince and took some more risk. This was enough to win the race, but only by 0,01 sec on Tyler Walker and 0,05 sec on nr 3 Corey Peters. My first world cup victory is a fact!
World Cup Mt Hutt New Zealand 27th august 2013. Winning run
Summer training
After the Sochi WorldCup I had a few weeks rest, but there is no time for to much resting if i want to get the best out of my self and be ready to rumble in March 2014. Thanks to the facilities of my ski federation and the personal training from Evolve Health Center in Amsterdam i am able to have the best trainers arround me.
Thanks for all your support!
The first snow training is sceduled in august in New Zealand. Beside 2,5 weeks of training the first world cup in New Zealand will take place at Mt Hutt.
Action 2013
World Cup finals Sochi(Test event Sochi 2014)
The last races this season took place in Sochi, 2 DH races and a slalom were sceduled. In training I set the fastest time on the scoreboard, The condiotions in the first race were a little tougher and I didn’t finish.
On day 2 I could carry my speed well over the course and managed to take the silver in the 2nd DH.
Only Chris Devlin-Young was faster that day.
World championship 2013 La Molina.

La Molina WCS was the 3th World Championship in my ski career. My focus this year was a good results in the speed disciplines.
The first event on the program was the Downhill, after 2 satisfying training runs in wich i both came out in top 5, day 3 the race was on. After the long flat start i lost over 2.8 seconds on the winner, in the 2nd part i could charge more and brougth it back to 2.12sec.
I finished in 6th position, this was not enough to reach the podium, but i fullfill the criteria for the Dutch olympic commitee to qualify for the Sochi 2014 games.
In the Super G i was in a good flow, but unluckly crashed in to a gate 4 gates before the finish, also in the slalom i did not manage to set final time.
After the weekend the super combination was on, the conditions on the La Molina slope were getting tuffer. Due to the heay wind the course was hard and icy in some parts.
I set my second top 10 result that week with a 8th place in the combination.
In the GS i couldn’t find the flow and was struggeling with the tuning of my skis on the rough contions of the slope. as many others that day i did not set a result in GS.
Despite the 3 DNF’s this week, the 2 top 10 results satisfied me, and de top 6 was good enough for qualification for the Paralympic games. Happy!! with that!!
Hoe deze week er verder uitzag is terug te lezen in de PZC van 23 februari.

Sportman of the year in Zeeland 2012
Europa cup speedevent Tignes
Last year we had the first European cup speed event in Tignes. And this year Tignes was back on the calender.
Due to the bad wetter conditions only 1 downhill took place. Last year i didn’t make the finish without crashes, this year the flow was on my side.
With a confedant run i finished 2nd in DH right in front of Johan Taberlet and behind George Kreiter from Germany.
Europacup speedevent Tarvisio / Nomination on downhill.
The first speed races from this season were programmed in Tarvisio Italy. Pretty much everybody in the world cup circuit was represent on these races. After 2 days of delay the first training runs were held on january 23th. After a nasty crash in the first training I did not start the 2nd run.
The next day it was the day with a scene of light snow fall the first downhills of this season took place. Time for me to get things together and show my guts in the first race. After the first turns i felt really comfortable again and managed to go full speed. With only 0,38 sec behind the winner Akira Kano eindigde i finished 4th.
Only several hours later the 2nd downhill started, the temperature was increased slightly and our waxman could use his wonder pasta. With a little bit of Allo and a bit of K-J power I skied 1 sec faster in the 2nd race and placed 1st with 0,29 sec ahead on nr 2. George Kreiter from Germany finished with exact the same time so i had to share the top podium with him.
On Friday there was a super-G sceduled in wich the super-G counted as single race. On the super-G I finished 6th with 0,01 sec from nr 4 and les then 0.4 from the podium. After the slalom I placed 4th in the combination.
With my first place in the downhill I earned my second nomination for Sochi 2014.
Many thanks to all the sponsors who support me in my sportive carriere.
Fischer skis Benelux.
Bulldog Hotel Silverstar BC Canada.
POC Helmets and Armor.
Rehall Clothing
Nissin Sitskis and Wheelchairs.
My Friends from the Japan ski team.
HK Suspension in Tiel
DSM Nederland
Nederlandse Ski Vereniging en Partners
Many thanks for all your trust and faith.
2012 IPC Alpine Skiing Eurocup – Abtenau, Austria
19-22 January 2012
Europa Cup Pitztal
The first Europa Cup of the season in Pitztal was really succesfull. The first race day I placed 2nd on the Giant Slalom. This result is also the demand of the Dutch olympic commitee for nomination for the Paralympic games in Sochi 2014.
On day 2 i placed 6th in the slalom my best result on slalom so far.
I am real satisfied with my results, next thing is waiting for confirmation from NOC-NSF on my nomination.
Many thanks to my friends from the Japan ski team!!
Seasons opener Landgraaf
Landgraaf IPCAS races are becoming the traditional opening of the European skiseason. This year 120 athletes from 25 nations competed in the indoor skiraces in Snowworld. The equipment changes i made in the preseason resulted in a big improvement in my slalom skiing. The first day i placed second behind world cup leader Thomas Nolte. Second day i wanted to finish closer to the nr 1, in the first run i placed 3th with 0,61 sec behind Nolte. The second run I was to greedy and failed to finish, despite this i am happy with my result in Landgraaf.
K-J Projects in The Media
In july I had a performance in Puiberruil XL, a dutch KRO program in wich 2 kids swap lives for a weekend. Davey experiences during one of my trainings how it is to ride a wheelchair. Roland, Martijn, Nicole en Sophie show him how it works.
Special thanks to NSGK for giving the opportunity to show what wheelchair training can do for kids.
Visit Aaron Fotheringham.
TNS Rehab service invited Aaron as there special guest at the Support Expo in Utrecht. During these days no back or frontflips but it was time for meet and greetz with the legend. Also the kids from my wheelchair training were surprised with Aaron as co-trainer and enjoyed every minute. Johny Dertien from Iboardcast was also represent made a nice edit from all this action. Including the visist to Zaandam and AH Vos and a ride i skate park A8 with Aaron and TNS rider David Lebuser from Germany.
Europa Cup races Tignes
De laatste races van deze lange trip stonden gepland in Tignes Frankrijk. Op het speedevent waar 2 downhills en een Super-G (SC) op het programma stonden behaalde ik helaas niet de resultaten die ik graag had willen behalen. In de 1e downhill trok halverwege de ochtend een wolkenveld over het gebied en werd het diepte zicht aardig verstoord. halverwege zag ik hierdoor een bult niet aankomen en werd uit de lijn gelanceerd, ook in de 2e downhill zat het niet mee en crashte ik vlak voor de laatste poort.
Gelukkig behaalde ik op de laatste dag toch nog een mooi resultaat door tijdens de super-G op een 3e plek te eindigen. Met dit resultaat stelde ik mijn A-Status van het NOC-NSF zeker en kan ik me in het nominatie seizoen 2012-2013 volop richten op mijn weg naar Sochi.
World Championships Para Snowboarden Orcieres
Dit jaar vond het World Champioships event van het Para Snowboarden plaats in het Franse Orcieres. Waar dit normaliter geen optie is had ik dit jaar de mogelijkheid om dit evenement op te nemen in mijn schema. Het Para snowboard circuit richt zich met name op snowboarders met een handicap die in staat zijn nog staand te snowboarden, maar heeft daarnaast ook zitskicross opgenomen in het programma. Het circuit is nog redelijk onbekend onder zitskiers en het deelnemers veld was dan ook beperkt, waar bij er bij de staande mannen ruim 30 aan de start stonden waren dit erbij bij de zitters maar 4. Desalnietemin was het een super event om mee te maken en hoop ik dat in de toekomst ook het deelnemers veld bij de zitters groter wordt.
Het Nederlands team onderleiding van Bibian Mentel kon tevreden naar huis gaan met 3 wereld titels, in de Dames, junior en zitski klasse werd het goud door de Nederlanders opgeeist.
ZeeuwsSporter van het jaar in de categorie lichamelijke beperking.
Ook dit jaar was er weer een Zeeuws topsport gala voor de sporters van het jaar 2011. In de categorie sporters met een beperking was ik voor de 5e keer genomineerd voor sporter van het jaar in de categorie sporters met een lichamelijke beperking. Naast mij waren ook rosltoelbaksetballer Edwin Schalkx en paardrijdster Tessa de Vrie genomineerd. Op basis van mijn prestaties op het WK in Sestriere, 6e op de Super-G en Brons op de Downhill, werd ik voor de 5e keer op rij verkozen tot winnaar. Ik wil de jury, de organisatie en de Zeeuwen bedanken voor de waardering voor mijn prestaties.
Tevens wil ik mijn sponsoren bedanken die mij in staat gesteld hebben deze prestaties te leveren.
Europa Cup – IPC races Abtenau Oostenrijk
Vanuit Sestriere ging de trip verder naar het Oostenrijkse Abtenau, vanaf de dag van aankom
st begon het al veel te regenen. De 1e dag konden de IPC Super-G races nog doorgang vinden. In een sterk deelnemers veld eindigde ik in de 1e race op een 3e plek tussen de japanners. De 2e race had ik ik een klein foutje en verloor ik op een cruciaal punt aardig wat snelheid maar eindigde alsnog op de 5e plek waardoor de japanse droom helaas niet nog een keer gebroken kon worden.
De omstandigheden werden de volgende dagen alleen nog maar slechter, en de overige races werden hierdoor helaas gecanceld.
Europa Cup en IPC races Sestriere
Dit jaar begon met wedstrijden in het Italiaanse Sestriere. 2 Europa Cup reuzenslaloms (RS) en 2 x slalom stonden op het programma. Met een 7e en 5e plek op de RS was ik erg tevreden. Op mijn minst favoriete onderdeel slalom eindigde ik 9e en 8e. De tijdsachterstand die ik opliep liet wel zien dat ik nog flink moet werken aan de slalom.
De laatste dag werd afgesloten met een IPC-RS race, hier eindigde ik op de 2e plek achter de Tjech Miroslav Sperk.
Alles bij elkaar een succesvol evenement dat me vertrouwen gaf voor de volgende races.
Action 2011
IPC level races Landgraaf Netherlands
After my injury status i kicked of the season with the IPC level races in Landgraaf Netherlands.
The 2nd edition of the races organised by the Dutch Ski Federation was with 15 nations at the start a big succes. Over 90 racers from beginners to world cup athletes took part in the event.
SBS hart van Nederland made a nice report about the races.
My results in Landgraaf: 1st race 8th place / 2nd race 8th place.
Back in bussines
After my shoulder injury in the Kimberley downhill I had 6 months of recovery. With the help of Bergman clinics and my physiotherapists i was back in snow in September. The First rides where captured in Hintertux with the Go Pro Hero.
Injury Status.
At the last races in Kimberley i had some bad luck, after a heavy impact crash in a downhill race i dislocated my shoulder. 2 strings are damaged and i need at least 3 months recovery.
Since this is my first serious injury in 8 years riding and chasing the limits makes it easier to except. I hope to be on the water again in June-July.
Below some footage from the past winter. A visit at Aspen Snowmass with the GoPro gave us some nice shots for a video.
World Championships 2011
I can look back on a succesfull world championships 2011.
Not only did i won a medal in downhill but also i booked my best result on super-G.
Still have to work on slalom, but my GS shows progress, became 11th on the last event after finishing 20th in the first run. Now packing stuff and heading for Winter X Games in Aspen next week.
2011 IPC Alpine Ski World Championships Sestriere / Italy
16jan- Downhill ______3th
18jan- Super-G ______6th
19jan- Super-combi ___DNF
20jan- Slalom________—
22jan- Giant Slalom___11th
Qualified for World Champs (22 dec 2010)
At the Eurocup races in Kuhtai i made te qualification criteria for the World Champs from the Dutch ski organisation. Next week i will hear if i got my ticket to the World Championships in Sestriere. Omroep Zeeland already payed some attention to my achievements in Kuhtai and possible participation in Sestriere.
Thanks to my coach Falco they could show some shots from the races in Kuhtai.
Video from runs from Dutch skiers at IPCAS race in Landgraaf.
I am in the last section. Results 3th en 6th
Training in Stubai
In november my team sceduled a training in Stubaital. One of the nicest glaciers in Austria. Togheter with the German team we had Super-G and GS training. I was really satisfied with my progression and it gives me a a lot of confident for the season. Beside the race training found some time at the end to enjoy some of the fresh snow. Thanks to Sven there is some nice footage from this day. Notice the empty chairlift in the first clip.
Second clip you can find at youtube.com/sjeesjan
Training Hintertux, Saas Fee and Pitztal.
In october my snow training started again. It started with a road trip tru europe with Josh Dueck
Our first stop was a training with DDST in Hintertux, beside Snow training we enjoy our selfs with condi training. One of the highlights this week in Zillertal was our descent from the egg alm.
After our first stop in hintertux we travelled via Andi Kapfinger and Martin Braxenthaler to Saas Fee for a training with the canadian skiteam.
I enjoyed beeing a couple of days in Saas Fee one of my favorites training locations in Europe.
From Saas Fee I travelled to Austria again to join the DDST for a training on the Pitztaller Glacier.
Small road trip in Germany
in july I made a smal road trip in Germany. Together with Evelien I visit 2 cables and tryed sandboarding on Monte Kaolino.
1st Stop, Wakepark Thulba
The first stop we had in Thulba were we had an evening and day session. On the small cable track of thulba wich has 9 obstacles it was nice riding. The swimming some times took a bit long (10-15min). Watch the short clip on the left for action footage.
2nd stop, Sandboarding Monte Kaolino
For us a must do, after the first experience,… it was fun but i wonder if i will ever do it again. Especialy on a wakeboard it was pretty scatchie. After a few slow turns and a thumble I took a straight line to the bottom… ouch!! crash and full of sand and dust, in my ears, eyes, everywhere.
3th stop and the topper of the week, Wakepark Turncable. the most complete cable center in the world.
Thanks to Roy and his crew we had some great days and my first experience on the 2.O system. check out the video on the left.
After the Paralympics I took a visit to
The Bulldog Hotel. Thanks to them I had all the facilities to enjoy a nice holliday. Beside that they were a great support for me to reach the Vancouver 2010 games. Enjoy the video I made riding with the Silver Star (BC) locals and friends of the Bulldog.
Henk, Russel and Calvin and crew thanks for all the support. I had a great time again in Silver Star.
Aspen snowmass
______________Aspen Buttermilk, final run of the day, love that sweet little mountain.______________
World Cup in Aspen.
That I love that mountain is not because of the race results i’ve had there in the speed events. The next movie explains it all. Not the best things that could happen before the Vancouver games.
Giant slalom 16-03 17th
Downhill 18-03 Did Not Finish
SuperG 19-03 23th
– Dag verslagen te bekijken op www.olympisch.nl
I competed in 3 discplines, Downhill, Giant slalom and additional Super-G.
In 2010 I was the only dutch competitor at the Paralympics.
Presentation Dutch Paralympic team 2010.
At the last PWG there were no Dutch athletes represent. NOC*NSF is glad to to anounch that this year holland will be back in the games in Canada.
Sitskiër Kees-Jan van der Klooster is officially qualified on GS and Downhill, beside these events he will start on the Super-G.
The Paralympic Winter Games will be held 12 days after the olympics from 12th till 21st of March in Whistler BC.
Pauw en Witteman Feb 10th
Naar aanleiding van mijn deelname aan de paralympics was ik te gast in Pauw en Witteman. Bekijk de uitzending in HD.
World Cup Sestriere
21 jan = Unfortunatly I did not finish in second downhill ,
20 jan = 6th in the Downhill
Today i was placed sixt in the WorldCup downhill in sestriere. I had a bad start after i got launched out of my line in the 4th gate, luckely i recovered well and had the second best time in de 2nd part of the run.
Todays result is enough for direct qalification on the downhill in Vancouver.
Qualified for VANCOUVER!!!
The first GS race of the season in wich i placed 4th is accepted as qualification race. This means that i have 2 top 5 results in GS, and i’m qualified for Vancouver. Because i have to show good results on the super-G and downhill aswell i stay focused for upcoming races.
World Cup results Giant Slalom
13 jan 2010 – placed 14th on WC GS
8 jan: World Cup patscherkofel GS – 16th
Actions 2009
First part of qualification paralympics.
This weekend the first races of the season took place in Pitztal Austria.
On thursday we started with a German championships Giant Slalom.
The Eurocup GS race on friday was cancelled after the first run due to bad weather conditions.
Saturday the conditions where better and we had again a GS. I got the 5th place and with that the half of the result I need to qualify for the paralympics.
I need 1 more top 5 in eurocup GS to qualify for Vancouver.
On Sunday we had the first Super-G, I made a big mistake in the second turn and lost 1,5 to
2 sec, even do i almost crashed i finished 6th.
Pitztal results:
4th GS
5th GS Europa cup (partly qualification Vancouver 2010)
6th Super-G Europa cup.
Aaron Going Dutch
In oct Aaron ‘Wheelz’ visit the Netherlands. Beside the demo he showed us at Sportbillies, Aaron and I had some time to ride around in my area. It was a nice day and some unique footage from Aaron is captured.
Riding the local skateparks and visiting Flushing center and Boulevard. Aaron it was amazing, THANKS!!!
Warren Millers Dynasty
My first performance in a serious skimovie. Warren Miller dedicated a part of there new movie to Monoskier-X
Three years ago, Mono Skier X came on the scene as the first competitive event for disabled athletes featured at the Winter X Games. Courageous adaptive competitors are featured here taking on racecourses carved for able-bodied athletes – at full speed and without fear. This piece is a true inspiration to athletes everywhere, showing us all that in Warren Millers new movie. more info Warren Miller website
1st edition SportBillies –
24 October, Papendal (Netherlands)
500 visitors, enthousiastic participants, Aaron’s backflip, acts on the main stage
and over 20 different sports.
All this and the large amount of media attention made Sportbillies first is edition a big succes!!
Thansk to all visitors and crew for an amazing day.
more info www.sportbillies.nl
Soon more unique footage from Aarons visit to Holland online!!
1st edition SportBillies –
24 October, Papendal (Netherlands)
Sportbillies is the sportday where challenges count. Everybody has his disabillety, the question is how can you use them to the fullest, and bend it positive! SportBillies is all about sports for kids with a disabillity, young people, parents familly and friends disabled or non- enjoying sports together. Famous disabled and non disabled sporters will guide you tru the day. (o.a. Esther Vergeer nr 1 wheelchairtennis, K-J van der Klooster X games medallist, Foppe de Haan soccer coach and Bibian Mentel, World champion adaptive snowboarding. Also Aaron Fotheringham come over to give his first demo in the Netherlands
more info en inschrijvingen www.sportbillies.nl
Training in New Zealand
At the end of august I travelled with my team to New Zealand for races and training. This trip was a real good experience, beside the beautifull country the training conditions at mt Hutt were unique. We have been training Super-G on race lenght for over 5 days. Only that was already worth the trip.
Unique footage, aerial film cable wakeboarding
In june Leroy Westerkamp and I made a shoot with 3 wakeboarders, Rens, Dirk en Rocco.
After a coupple of long nights we are proud to present the first dutch cable clip with aerial point of view; ‘Cableflight 2009 ‘.
ARNHEM – Sitskier Kees-Jan van der Klooster will represent the paralympic athletes in the team of ambassadors for Vancouver 2010. The 6 Ambassadors were presented to the press at a team meeting at Papendal. NOC*NSF proudly presents the ambassadors of the Dutch Olympic Team and the Dutch Paralympic Team for the Games in Vancouver 2010.
Other ambassadors are Nicolien Sauerbreij (alpine snowboard), Sybren Jansma (bobsledge), Annette Gerritsen (speedskating), Annita van Doorn (shorttrack) en Erben Wennemars (speedskating).
Video shoot at The Bulldog Silver Star
On my youtube page you can find 3 parts from the movie I produced in 2008
More footage on DVD is available. let me know if you are interested.
On the left some rad sitski footage from the last 2 yrs.
Most of the footage is not been posted on internet before. Enjoy it!!
This season i did not fulfill the standards set by NOC-NSF to qualify for Vancouver 2010. (The Dutch standards are: 1 result in top 6 or 2 results in top 9 in WorldCup or a 1 top 3 or 2 top 5 results in Eurocups.)
Cause I was injured at the end of the season i missed 2 important qualification moments at the EC and WC finals.
If i look back on my season it was my best race season so far.
Some facts en results from last season.
Final standings WC Downhill 08-09
This downhill was devided in 2 runs, I got injured after the first run in a heavy crash in the finish area. The next day I started with lots of pain killers but lost more then 2 seconds in the second run.
And my best races so far i had in Kimberley.
With these results in mind I know Vancouver 2010 is in reach, and I will do all i can to qualify next season,
deadline January 2010.
I congratulate my teammate Bart Verbruggen with his nomination.
World Championship Korea 27 feb 09
Here a small update on my results on the WCS in Korea.
28th februari, I finist in 8th position in the downhill after a good first run i lost 2 seconds on the leader in the 2nd run. I placed
6th in the 1st downhill run on 0.38sec of the leader. this result is enough for the first part of the nomination for vancouver 2010.
On the first downhill training on thursday I placed 3th, wich is a good start for the downhill race that will officially be held on
friday and saturday. (normal a downhill is one race but cause of the lenght of the course and the warm wheather the race is devide in to
runs and spread over 2 days.
I did not score so well in the first races.
I crashed on the GS and the Super combi, so unfortunatly no results on these events. On the super-G last theusday I finished with a
distance of 3,8 sec on the nr1, this placed me on a 18th position.
First victory in Downhill
Since 2004 I’m competing in alpine races,
since then I never had the chance to ride a downhill. To prepare for the World Championship in Korea, (20feb-2mar) I travelled to
Kimberley to race my first downhills in. 2 races were planed on the 5th of feb in the Noram cup. The first race I finished 3th 0.41
behind Chris Devlin Y and Sean Rose. The second DH I shaved my line and finished 1st with almost a sec ahead of nr 2 Tyler Walker,
the Current leader in the World Cup.
This result gives me a good start position and a lot of trust for my DH race in Korea. I hope to qualify for Vancouver
2010 in the next 4 weeks.
Gillette world sport special.
Early in the season Gillette World Sport Special contact me to make a portret about me and my sports. I was honored by this request. It took a while before we had the right weather conditions, but in the end it all worked out well. Tommy Beier shot some great footage on the Pitztaler Gletscher and the production used shot from my latest DVD. I can say that they done a realy good job.
About Gillette WSS:
a weekly half hour sports magazine program that combines exciting action with exclusive stories and profiles of some of the world’s leading sportsmen and women. It is the most widely distributed sports programme in the world, being broadcast to approximately 117 countries.
Bronze at Winter X Games.
This year Tyler Walker won the gold medal in monoskier-X. I was in second place in the race when my ski snapped of on one of the last whumptie sections. This opened the door for Aspens Local Sam Ferguson for the silver medal. Because Felix Snow broke his frame in the semi finals we were only with three at the start of the finals. more info is also published on www.expn.com. Video below. More pictures soon.
Special thanks to Sven and Evelien for there support.
Action 2008
Vrijdag 5 december 22:35(hh 8 dec 23:10) I’m in the program Fobiac on Veronica TV. Watch episode
Medische aandoeningen
In deze aflevering komt de angst voor medische aandoeningen aan bod. Frans gaat blind serveren in een blindenrestaurant en krijgt geblinddoekt een slipcursus. Lauren gaat ‘verlamd’ deelnemen aan het verkeer in een aangepaste auto en gaat zitskiën (een aangepaste extreme sport) met een verlamde ex-snowboarder. Suzanne maakt misselijkmakende ‘ritjes’ in de Desdemona, de allernieuwste bewegingssimulator van TNO en ze gaat stuntvliegen.
A New Alternative Sports Movie.
In 2008 I produced a new DVD
Aaron Fotheringham on the X games.
This year also summer X games was the host for disabled extreme sports. Aaron Fotheringham from Las Vegas was invited to ride the superpark and the vert in LA at the HOME DEPOT. Sjeesproductions was on location to and shot some rad footage from Aaron ” Wheels” F. check it out!!
Freeride part in Documentary.
Jan Kralik produced a really interesting documentary about Ruda Brojir a sitskier and reborn men from czech. In this docu he used some freeride parts he shot from me in Pitztal last year. I want to thank Jan for letting me use these nice shots for my website.
Freestyling and race training in Kaunertal
Last week i joined the German Skiteam for race training on the Kaunertal gletscher, left a video from my race training. Of course we had some time to spend in the park, a little kaunertal freestyle on the right
I’am proud to present 2 new sponsors.
POC Helmets and Armor
Hightec protection to save me from injuries.
THE Bulldog Hotel Silver star
Ski-resort Silverstar BC Canada.
1st weeks of snow in Saasfee.
My snow season started again in Saasfee. I had race training with the SDST and again I want to thank them for there hospitality, i had a great time!! Offcourse there was time to practise for the X-Games and improve the freestyle skills.
All this would not have been possible without the help from my buddie Dirk. Also Many thanks to Akira, Taiki, Kenchji, and Mich for very Good time!!
New commercial Fonds Gehandicapten sport
Thanks to the amazing work from ETCETERA and BONKERS Amsterdam a great commercial is produced in order to The Dutch Foundation for Handicapped sports. The commercial will be played on national TV.
The set look a like a small movie set. No effort saved in this non profit production.and the result is definetly worth to watch.
It was really interesting to work with such a profesional team.
Thanks for the great work and supporting the foundation.
Wakeboard session sunday 31st august Veersemeer Netherlands
2 yrs ago I met Eric Robinson at WinterXG12. He told me about there event ‘The Extremity games” and invited me to compete in the sitwakeboardcomp. in this event. Last year I couldn’t be there, but this year I wanted to experience this myself. A good choice wich gave me a lot of new Xperiences. read more.
Omroep Zeeland Wie Nu 28 mei
Zeeuws Sporter off the year.
May 23 Sport Zeeland organized the Sports awards of the year 2007. It was a great evening with acts from Jan J pieterse and Frank van Pamelen.
It was my first year on the list of nominees, thanks to my result on X games 11 in 2007 (bronze) I was elected as adaptive sporter of the year in my region. As Zeeuw to the bone I’m real proud to be sportsmen of the year.
Finaly I experienced the Blokart, it is a real cool and accessible sport. A blokart is a beach-sail-kart with a hand stear and a rope to pull your sail, no leg press or stearing with your legs nescessary. Nearby were I live blokart Zeeland gives you the opportunity to experience this sport on location or on there home base ‘active beach Brouwersdam. The Go kart is really light and accelerates very easy to speeds of 70kmp/h, and cause it is so light it is real easy to play with it. Check also Blokartzeeland.nl of blokart.com
First Europacup Victory
La Molina in Spain was again host of the Eurocup final this year. For me this were the best races so far, not in the last place due to the 1st place i made on the 2nd Super-G. This is my first podium in alpine disciplines and the first serious step towards Vancouver 2010.
Photo FLTR: Christoph Kunz Suiss, K-J Ned, Jasmin Bambur Serbia
Personal Results
1st __Super-G 2
9th __Super-G 1
13th _Giant Slalom
9th __Slalom
This year I participated in the Mono X on the winter X games in Aspen again.
After 3 exciting racing I finished first in the finals and grabbed the gold!!
Check all info about X games en Mono X on www.EXPN.com or Mono-X feature
I want to thank all my sponsors, SWIX wax service, my supporters and the NskiV for supporting me.Check more on this storie page
link video semi final Devlin-Young, Bramble
link video semi final Walker, K-J
More video’s Qualifications
Action 2007
Europa cup races december(entering WC)
In december started the race season 07/08. My goal was the qualify for the world cups on the GS and super-G. The first races took place in Pitztal and Kuthai (Austria). In Pitztal I couldn’t qualify on GS yet but I had real good start on Super-G. In Kuthai it went already a lot better and on the GS… read more
Freestyle Session with Bieri and JP!
During the time I was in Saas I met a lot of people and even had the chance to make some nice sessions with Christian Bieri and JP Furrer, also I met Shu and his friends from Japan. Guys it was a pleasure riding with you and the footage is crazy, check the complete video clip left
Article dutch Ski Magazine.
Finally some attention for the X-games sitski cross in Holland. Thanks to Edo Jungerius who wrote a really nice article thats placed in the October issue of Ski Magazine. Also the first show of some really good photoshoots in Aspen._
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foto’s kunnen vergroot worden tot leesbaar formaat.
Double page snowboard mag.
Not only the skimagazine payed some attention to the freestyle sitskiing. Also the dutch snowboard magazine placed some of the rad action. Again thanks to Edoart for the nice sequence. Aspen January 2007 My first clean 180 over the step up, yeah man stoked!!
below the whole wild west article a crazy story, Thanks Edo edoart.nl.
borders youth sportweekend,
sorry this one is in dutch
31augustus tot 2 september
was het weer zover, het grensverleggend jeugdsportweekend 2007 voor kinderen
met een beperking. De voorgaande jaren werd het weekend gehouden op het Zilverenschor aan het veersemeer, dit jaar was de locatie het nabij Ossendrecht gelegen park ‘De luchtballon’. lees meer
Photoshoot with Marco Moog
Monday morning 7:30 wake up call from Reini Sample, ‘if I could do a stand in for a photoshoot.’ He told me it would be really spectacular with one of the best photographers from Germany, Marco Moog. 2 hrs later I was in my car on my way to Heede. after a 4,5 hours drive I Finaly arrive at Blue bay in Heede. Marco and his team were allready present and ready, also Paddy Schmidt and model Kristina Apelt were ready to perform. The shoot was in James Bond setting and with all the fire it sure was real spectaculair. thanks for all the fun. Click left tag to play or click video
Aaron Rocks in Germany
Saterday 11 august Schwalbe organized Rolliday2007 at there HQ in Reichshof Germany. there were presentations of all kinds of sport, basketball, rugby, hockey tennis, skiing, kiteboarding… and it pleased me to see how many people came to Rolliday. Not in the last place for Aaron Fotheringham who came all the way from Las Vegas to perform his backflip for the first time in Europe. Togheter with Timo Pritzel he pulled out some nice tricks and the crowd went crazy!!!
Wakeboarding in Bossuit Belgium
Wakeboarding on a cable is much more interesting lately due to all the obstacles rising out of the water. But still, nothing is better then riding behind a boat
that sets up a big wake for you alone.
Together with my buddy Rens and my girl Evelien I payed a visit to the wakeboardschool from Christoph Meersschaert in Bossuit Belgium. Water like a mirror and no other boats on the water to mess it up. Super cool and ideal for a nice session. Check the video here or click left tag
4 in het land
26 of june RTL4 ‘4 in het land’
News item about Wheelchair training.
more info www.wheeling.nl
Ambassador MEE Zeeland
Sinds june 21 I’m ambassador of MEE Zeeland. MEE supports people with different sorts of handicaps in there live on different terrains. On the 21st the commissaris van de Koninging, Mw. Peijs and I did the ceremonial opening of there new office in Middelburg and MEE revealed my ambassadorship.
I’m real proud with my titel as ambassador and see this as a usefull instrument to help others and to contribute even more to the integration of people with a dissability in my country. Website MEE Zeeland.
New Car
In Februari me and Sven had a realy bad car crash. On the peage in France we had a confrontation with an anvil. Luckly we survived the crash without personal damage but my car couldn’t handle the impact. Thanks to Athlon Carlease I’m back on the road again. BIG THANKS!! Athlon Carlease
Wheelchair training
Since december we started a wheelchairtraining in Zeeland, during the training we learn people what they are capable doiing with there own wheelchair. In april we also started, in cooperation with the child rehab center ‘Reigerbos’ in Goes, a program for the youth.
The program is very succesfull and adults and childeren seam to make a lot of profit from the training and feel more confident in their wheels.
These training programs will be continued
info wheeling.nl
Zeeland Promotion campagne
Mee Zeeland one of the bigger organisations supporting
disabled people used me for there new promotion campagne. Beside the promotion
folders and photo’s in there magazine they printed a postcard for the
occasion of there new website, and also they placed advertisements on
busses in province. When you life in Zeeland and need some assistence
check: www.meezeeland.nl
The ultimate experience
it was my time to experience ‘The ultimate experience’ at indoorskydive
center Roosendaal. The occasion was the Go Fast Athlete day were all
Go Fast Athletes came together to life the brand ‘Stronger for
Longer‘. Go fast is doing great and groing rapid, Just ask
for it at gasstations or shops and you’ll discover why.
More about the ultimate experience and photo’s check
medal at X-games!!
invitation for the X-games was already a big price, but winning a medal
at this event, Damn I’m so stoked!!! In the practise I had some problems
with my raceski and decided to go for save in competition on my Scratch
twintip, not the fastest ski but definitly the strongest ski. After qualifiing
I was 4th and in the half finale I finished 3th. In the final I couldn’t
pass Kevin Connelly (Silver) and Tyler Walker (gold)but i’m realy satisfied.
– Read about X Games and watch the video’s from the final runs here
– Check forreport Trip to Aspen an more pics here
Action 2006
Moving borders youth sportweekend ,
sorry this one is in dutch
1,2,3 september
was het weer tijd voor het grensverleggend jeugdsportweekend voor kinderen
met een beperking. zoals de vorige jaren was ik hier weer bij als begeleider.
Het weekend vond weer plaats op het Zilverenschor aan het veersemeer.
Op de aankomst avond werden de kinderen opgewarmd voor het weekend. read
backflip in wheelchair!!
or not Colours rider Aaron Fotheringham (14yr) sticks the first backflip
in a wheelchair ever. This realy need some guts. Much respect for this young
men who pushed extreme chairing to a new level. www.colourswheelchair.com
visit from Markus
This summer Markus Pfisterer from Swiss came over to bring me a visit. We
had a lot of fun this week and done a lot of wakeboarding. As special event
we made an atmonauti flight over my local
area. I want to thank Markus for the good time, and for those who want to
see what the week was like
click here.
Trip to Lake Como
June I made a visit to lake como. Together with my Rehall Team mates Sjoerd Compier,
Carly Francis and good friends Ralph an Charmaine we drove with a Air Nautique
on the trailer towards Italy. It was a good opening for my wakeboardseason
and due to the very good conditions I made good progression and I made a
start with some new cool tricks. So far the backside 180 is in the pocket.
See more in the video and photo
in the city
A beautifull
and sunny wednesday afternoon was the perfect day for some filming in the
city of Vlissingen. I used to skate at most of the spots we’ve been to,
so it was a familiar route. Cause we are really satisfyed with the result
we are thinking about visiting other city’s this summer.
Watch the Wednesday afternoon production
right mouse button to save the video.___
Support Demo
From 19 till
22 april the Support fair took place in the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. A good
ocasion for some action was Mario’s thought. 2 months ago he’ve send Bart
Gijsels, Ronald and Me to Haarlem to checkout a mini ramp and told us he
wanted us to ride it 4days in a row during the fair. If i wanted
that…? __click right
mouse button to save the trailer.___ read
Crapcam crashvideo
After 3years of alternative sport I made a lot of actions.
The result you can see on this website. But one item was missing. Pushing
the limits, even do its in an alternative way is not always with out pain.
In the latest sjees production some miss calculations are put togheter in
one clip. If you have a weak hart, hold it tide.
I’m still a live and kicking.
___Greetz Sjees __click
right mouse button to save the video.___
28/1 till 4/2 the Dutchchampionships snowboarding were held in Laax. Cause
I still like snowboarding very much it was time to visit this event. Togheter
with Sven I travelled to Laax to see what the best dutch riders had to show.
It was impressive to see how high the level of the riders was. Especialy
the ID&T Big Air and the Swatch BX were spectaculair to see. Mucho
respect for the riders! Also the Big airbag was represent this
week, and not unimportant there was some good party afther riding.
I had a good time in Laax and I want to thank all people who were there
for the good time.
read more and video.
Sitski animation
It took us a while but here
they are, the first sitskianimation video’s online. While we were on the
road we had some spare time in the evenings. My buddy Sven and I have been
creative and produced a couple of sitski animationsclips. Check them all
out, download them and send them to your friends! more
Eurocup final
The I had my last race of the
season in Ravascletto Italy. On the steep sloop of zoncolan I competed in
all 3 events. I still have troubles to find confidance in my new equipment
and during the race I performd bad on the slalom and the GS. Sunday on the
Super-G I found the right flow and became 16th, 6 sec behind the top 3.
With a result of 108 asd points is the SG in Zoncolan my best result so
far. A good end of a bad season, “that gives hope for next season”.
Eurocup Abtenau
second race of the season took place in Abtenau Austria. this weekend
started even more atheletes then last week. Beside that there was a lot
of snowfall and hard wind, wich made some real heavy conditions to race.
The 1st day on the slalom I had bad luck and did not finish the first
run. The next day would be a GS day. Cause of the bad weather the GS race
was cancelled and rescheduled to sunday instead of the super-G. On sunday
I became 18th on the GS, it’s not a top result, but it satisfied me for
now and give me more trust in my new equipment, something I could use
afther last weekend.
Action 2005
Eurocup Pitztal
From 9 till 11 december
I had my first races of the season in Pitztal (At). With more then 60 monoskiers
from all over the world at the start the race could be compared to a worldcup.
My first results didn’t satisfy me; in slalom and GS I didn’t make it to
the finish and in Super-G I became 29th. Hopefully it gets better next week
in Abtenau where the 2nd race will be helt.
in Stubai
Tignes, Russell Docker, Sean Rose and I travelled to Stubai where we had
training with the Britisch Army, also Patrick Opschoor joined us these weeks.
During this time I made some good progression, which I will need cause in
this paralympic year the competition will be very hard.
Training in
November I have been training in Tignes with the Britisch team. I was very
excited cause this would be my first training in my new mono. You can check
out pictures and soon some video from this week when you click here.
First training in Hintertux
just returned from training in Hintertux and can’t wait to go again. Had
a real good time in Tux. I went for a 3 week training and skied together
with Patrick Opschoor, Russell Docker (GB) and Markus Pfisterer (Sui.) and
had training with de US team, Thanx therefor… Beside race training there
is always some time to ride the park.
in Snowworld Landgraaf
When its summer and its too hot outside we hit for the indoorslopes to get
refreshed. My favorite place to ride is Snowworld Landgraaf. This spot is
awesome for freestyle. Jumps, sliders and Big Jump all under one roof. Check
some pics and clips from my visits last summer. Special Thanks to my friday
night friends from www.snowzero.nl who took some cool pics.
The Texel Atmonauti
tandem with Marco Tizzie, one of world’s best skydivers and guru in flying
technics, inventor of the atmonauti technic. He is definitly one of the
most passionated people I’ve ever met. The experience of flying with him
was very special, We made an Awesome flight, this could be something for
the future…
Read more
2005 sponsered by Rehall was one of the better wakeboard events in Holland
this year. A lot of wakeboard action with real spectaculair demo’s from
the Rehall teamriders and flyers. And ofcourse an absolutely relaxed atmosphere.
Read more
Afther training in Hintertux
Always feels good to make a run in the funpark after a hard week of training.
B-Jump Hintertuxer gletcher november 2004. Although the landing was not
perfect yet, I’m sure it will be better next time. Special thanx to Sven
van Santen for filming that week.
it out here!!